Fashion and Design Trends in Home Décor

Many candle retailers understand that the majority of candle purchasing is happening throughout the year during the non-seasonal time frame.  This non-seasonal consumer demand is estimated to be 65% of candle sales.  What is driving this type of activity…?  Consumers have strong interest levels in fashionable trends that reflect their personal style with interior design. A part of creating the feel good home environment has led to stylish decorators increasing purchasing candles to become focal points for home décor.  These are enthusiastic consumers are paying close attention to lifestyle publications, researching the internet for visuals, and keeping updated on the interior design trends from popular American television broadcasts.  In order for candle retailers to continue connecting with their candle consumers and remain relevant in the market, retail channels have an important need to stay highly engaged with current fashion and design trends in home décor.

Digital Tech

One of the global fashion and design trends emerging into home décor is can be described as “digital-tech” style.  This new decorative style is created by fusing together inspiration of futuristic technology innovation and retro styling of memorable experiences from the 1980’s.  How does this whimsy theme resonate into interior design…?  Stylish decorators can duplicate this exciting trend by concentrating on bold graphics, geometric patterns, and vibrant colors in order to achieve the modern appearance.

The 1980’s retro “liney” text effects inspired from the era’s architectural designs, wavy-curvy line patterns, and the famous Rubix cube geometric graphics is starting to enter living rooms again with a modern twist on interior design.  The ombre application technique of color decoration can be utilized on brighter hues to create radiant and energetic optical illusions.  This design trend can evoke fun emotion in every room of the home by simple placement of decoration accessories.  Additional ways of taking the digital-tech style to an ultimate level is to unite various bold textures with vivid colors.  Libbey can provide solutions with multiple glass candle containers to guide consumers into this futuristic style trend.

Libbey’s Retro Looks

Item #6820 Votive with 4 Rings
Item #0148 Orbita DOF 11.5oz