Color Trends: Matte & Soft Ombre

Soft Ombre Gradient of Mountains

Pantone color palette guide isolated on white background - circle

Consumers are becoming more confident in the state of the economy and they are beginning to increase their spending.  This category is anticipating steady growth in the coming years for the market in 2018.  Candles provide a solution for consumers that desire value priced decorative products in homes because they are an inexpensive method to add in a splash of decoration to any room or backyard patio.  Candle buyers are looking for fashionable accents in home décor that will be a great expression of their personal style.  Color and texture have become highly important to decision factors for the candle segment as it relates to usage for design accents.  In a recent candle survey, 70% of consumers say an attractive container is important when they are buying in this category.  Candle research also demonstrates that the #2 ranking consumer decision factors is commonly determined with “color” selection.

The two following trends “Matte” and “Soft Ombre” are being combined together to establish serene and calming color tones and delicate textures to candle design.


Matte and powdery finishes help to transform hard materials into having a softer appearance.  A white matte powdery finish has the ability to emotionally connect with consumers to inspire purity and symbolize the elemental stillness of nature.

matte-finishConsumers are seeking color tones that represent simplicity and natural.  It is not surprising to see candle design generating more interest into surfaces that resemble marble and cork. Ways to achieve the simple marble image is to merge grey and white colors together in a grey ombre application technique.

Soft Ombre

The Soft Ombre is a trend that emerges to guide candle color enhancements.  This approach of gradually blending  pastel colors has built interesting visual effects that change the most common looks of candle vessels to become unique differentiators in the market.

Libbey’s Offerings

We have candle shapes and decoration technique solutions that will help to achieve the Matte and Soft Ombre trend movement.

Item #918CD with Matte Spray Finish
Matte Green Sprayed Votives
Votive Pot Item #5159
Stratus Texture Item #2253